Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It has been a WHILE.

I figured this would be a good place to keep a blog of my political efforts, a member from Deviant Art reminded me. :)

And as a thanks for the reminder, here is a link to his page.

A few weeks ago was 2nd Amendment Week:

It all started with this:


This Letter to the Editor was written and printed prior to our events. Keep in mind our EIC is very anti-gun, but manages to keep the paper fairly unbiased:


The event had been in the books for quite some time, and kicked off April 13th. I had to man the booth six hours a day, through rain and shine.


On Thursday we got Lars Larson to come down all day for a live national broadcast, and had about 200 show up for a rally.


On Friday, we raffled off a Marlin 917V in a drawing, and later in the day offered a free concealed handgun class (normally $100 in Oregon) for all student, over 300 showed up, the largest class in Oregon history. Several professors even paid the extra $40 to attend.

This past week has just been back and forth between ignorance and fact. On Monday, a writer created this article, riddled with nothing but ignorance.


An op-ed was later printed, written by the President of College Republicans:


The entire week the College Democraps felt they had the need to set up a tent too. Monday through Wednesday no one stopped at their booth and they packed it up. On Thursday this giggly mofo, seen in a video in the following link, was mocking an empty holster I was wearing. I told him it was more symbolic than their empty booth, he sat down and shut up real quick.

Our booth kept about 50 people around at all times, while theirs remained empty. Having nothing better to do, they printed slips of paper that said "Keep GUNS OFF CAMPUS!!! -College Democrats"...and started passing them out.



1 comment:

X4CTO said...

Great reading here... thanks for posting, and thank you for the link to my page.

My wife and I are strong second amendment supporters all the way. One thing I'll never understand is why people are so afraid of good people with guns, knives, or whatever... they don't seem to understand that a criminal that is intending harm will do so without a firearm just the same. Not to mention the fact that criminals get their guns illegally anyway. We all know that laws only keep honest people honest. A stupid person with a weapon is a stupid person with a weapon whether it was purchased legally or not, I suppose you can't stop that but the guns are definitely not to blame for that. I guess guns are just an easy target (pun not intended) for people that want to blame something. I believe that an armed society is a safe society. Guess where the crime will be worse... where the criminals know they are not going to encounter any resistance... but I know you already know that :)
As for carrying in college... hell yes. I guess some think that college goers are stupid and unfit to make responsible decisions, we put our trust in these young men and women to handle our future society but can't trust them with a firearm!? What the hell? I wish people would wake up and realize that not everyone that owns or carries a weapon is a criminal. If people don't like guns that is fine, but don't crap on the rights of the ones that believe that guns are a benefit to society... as I always say, they just might save your life one day. Lets protect the right to protect our loved ones and neighbors... it's a good feeling.

Brian, you're fighting the good fight bro... keep it up.
