Thursday, May 7, 2009

A busy few days...

I would like to thank Governor Candidate Allen Alley for coming to see us here at the College Republicans and the Finance Club this Tuesday. After the worst time trying to find some parking, he gave an hour-long very interesting and very informative lecture on small business and entrepreneurship. Halfway through I got a little distracted as I began to think of the billion business opportunities that are still available, but that is another story entirely!

On the way out the door I thanked him for taking the time to come speak to us, and before I knew it I got invited to attend dinner with him and a few others from the Finance Club as well as CR. After walking to hitch a ride with one of his campaign members (his son I think?), I soon realized that everyone else was wearing either a collared shirt or a nice 3-piece suit. And there I sat wearing black biking pants, an OD green T-shirt, and a Team Glock baseball cap. I felt like such a schmuck, but no one really seemed to care. Or at least I hope not.

After getting the chance to hear his views on pressing issues and his attitude in general, he sure has my vote! You can view his website and viewpoints at:

Today was another busy day. Classes and lectures aside, in place of the regular CR meeting, we were supposed to have a presentation by Chris Horner (author of the book Big Red Lies), hosted by CFACT at 1900. However, his flight was delayed and was unable to make it for another few hours. I must say I do admire him for having the dedication to wait for delayed flights, land, then book it two hours south from Portland to Corvallis, just to make a presentation regarding global climate shift, formerly known as "global warming". Any normal presenter would have called it quits and postponed until the next day, but he isn't any normal speaker, he is a Republican!

His organization even offered to buy dinner to keep members around while we were waiting for him to arrive. Now THAT is a generous action that no words can be put to.

His presentation was very interesting, mixed in with some pretty good humor and pokes at Democraps, made it an overall very good night. There was however, one thing in his presentation you won't find coming from the mouths of hippie alarmists and gungrabbers alike, and that is the TRUTH. The use of fact to back up an argument, incorporated into both the premise and conclusions, is something unheard of for someone who lacks the ability to reason. I'm not going to name any names(liberaldemocrats)but it is sure obvious.

After the presentation, I had a chance to speak with him and thank him for bustling to make the presentation. And talked until a janitor came to kick us out. (I had no idea the MU actually closed.)

He is the kind of person that politicians REALLY need to listen to. You can find him at the Competitive Enterprise Institute:

All in all a very eventful two days, with a vast amount of insight and information there for the grabbing. Thanks again to Allen Alley and Chris Horner for taking the time to share their knowledge! And a special thanks to President RJ Friedman of the College Republicans for setting it up, and all my fellow College Republicans alike. Make Oregon RED!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It has been a WHILE.

I figured this would be a good place to keep a blog of my political efforts, a member from Deviant Art reminded me. :)

And as a thanks for the reminder, here is a link to his page.

A few weeks ago was 2nd Amendment Week:

It all started with this:

This Letter to the Editor was written and printed prior to our events. Keep in mind our EIC is very anti-gun, but manages to keep the paper fairly unbiased:

The event had been in the books for quite some time, and kicked off April 13th. I had to man the booth six hours a day, through rain and shine.

On Thursday we got Lars Larson to come down all day for a live national broadcast, and had about 200 show up for a rally.

On Friday, we raffled off a Marlin 917V in a drawing, and later in the day offered a free concealed handgun class (normally $100 in Oregon) for all student, over 300 showed up, the largest class in Oregon history. Several professors even paid the extra $40 to attend.

This past week has just been back and forth between ignorance and fact. On Monday, a writer created this article, riddled with nothing but ignorance.

An op-ed was later printed, written by the President of College Republicans:

The entire week the College Democraps felt they had the need to set up a tent too. Monday through Wednesday no one stopped at their booth and they packed it up. On Thursday this giggly mofo, seen in a video in the following link, was mocking an empty holster I was wearing. I told him it was more symbolic than their empty booth, he sat down and shut up real quick.

Our booth kept about 50 people around at all times, while theirs remained empty. Having nothing better to do, they printed slips of paper that said "Keep GUNS OFF CAMPUS!!! -College Democrats"...and started passing them out.