Monday, March 18, 2013

Myth: Eating Right Is Time Consuming and Expensive

I don't pretend to be a master chef, or a certified nutritionist. I know what works for me, and what works for most people, and design diet plans for the remaining people who have special needs. A chef doesn't have your macronutrients in mind. A nutritionist can tell you things that give you negative progress in what you're trying to do with your body.

I made my meals for this entire week, 7 meals a day, for less than $15. It took me 30 minutes, including prep and cleanup time. How? Keep reading.

By now, if you have diligently read the last two articles, then you already know how to train, and how to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. So begins the challenge that people have with their programs. Food. Food is the critical building block of any ultimate goal. You can't paint your masterpiece body without any paint. During a bulking cycle, your diet could be 60% of your overall progress. During cut cycle, it becomes even more critically important, 80% of your progress will be reflected in what you eat.

So remember all those food containers you bought during taper in? Don't know what I'm talking about? Shame on you for skipping forward. It's your lack of progress, not mine!

The night before, usually a Saturday night when my former friends are all out partying, being their usual obese selves, and coming home late, I'm at home. I took several of these containers and put one cup of frozen vegetables in each. It doesn't matter so much what you pick. The reason I use frozen vegetables is because out of season, frozen vegetables are not only much cheaper than fresh vegetables, but they're also much more fresh because they're frozen at the source. And also because like most bodybuilders, I'm truly lazy in a lot of things in life. These sit in the fridge overnight and thaw out naturally. I do the same with chicken breast.

I buy chicken breast in bulk from a wholesaler who's name starts with Costc, they are packed with protein, are very easy to prepare in 1000 different ways, last forever in the freezer, and these even come in already sealed freezer packs. I thaw a pack of these, usually good for 4 portions of 6oz cuts.

Sunday, usually the one day I take off from exercise completely. Today I went out and chopped logs for a few hours. The chicken is already thawed and ready to fillet. I use an 8" chef's knife, kept almost razor sharp. It takes about 5 seconds to cut both chicken breasts into perfect 1/2" thick cuts. Here is where you get to have fun with it. I use different spices for each cut, to keep things mixed up. Then pack them randomly so everyday I have a new flavor to try.

Garlic, smoked paprika, rosemary, Montreal rub, Blackened Cajun, even Lawry's. The choices are endless. Season, and pat it in lightly. Onto a hot grill. If the chicken does not sizzle immediately when it touches the grill, take it off and let it heat up more. Six minutes, done. Plate it, and let it rest.

While the chicken is grilling, I clear out all the dishes, so everything is cleaned while I'm waiting. This week, I decided to do some more sausage flavors. I picked up a tube of lean low fat Italian style fresh sausage. I use Italian sausage because it has a decent about of fat and protein, which is what you want during cut. It also has a nice crisp almost Pepperoni flavor. Remember, eating fat doesn't make you fat unless you exceed the calorie quota. Break it up before it hits the hot pan to prevent clumping. I did about 1/2lb total. Pan sear until well done, pork should be about 170 degrees to be cooked. Pork is known to be one of the most dangerous undercooked meats, so if you're like me and you're not sure, use a thermometer.

While the sausage is cooking, bring a pot of water to a rolling boil, add some light olive oil. The rolling boil keeps the pasta from sticking together, and the olive oil adds some nice flavor and keeps the pasta from sticking to the bottom of the pot. I wanted some light carbs this week, add two cups of whole wheat grain. Spaghetti, penne, wheels, whatever you want. Cook 9 minutes until softened and drain. Mix half the sausage with sauce and reduce slightly to create a more hearty sauce. Season to taste and split with the noodles into a few portions.

Other half of the sausage, set aside for now. Wipe out the pan, don't wash it. Scramble six eggs, whole with yolk, add a splash of milk to keep the eggs light, salt LATER if you want. Into the pan. Push the eggs into the middle of the pan continuously until they're almost all done, sausage in. Heat off.

That's it! I leave all the containers open for a little while so they don't steam in the lids. In less than 30 minutes I've cooked the following meals for a week.

Breakfast: 3 Eggs, Scrambled with Italian Sausage
     420 Calories, 32g Protein

Lunch: Grilled Blackened Cajun Chicken with Whole Corn
      400 Calories, 55g Protein

Dinner: Pan Seared Mediterranean Chicken with Mixed Beans
      450 Calories, 50g Protein

Dinner (Carbs): Wheat Wheel Pasta with fresh Italian Sausage and Five Cheese Marinara, topped with melted 12-month aged fresh grated Parmesan
      500 Calories, 20g Protein

If I packed all the meals in advance and ran the numbers, I'm never over or under what I should be eating in a day. I make almost 250grams of protein and less than 2700 calories. That's three delicious meals, very inexpensive to make, and takes less time than your fast food lunch break. Be confident in the kitchen, and have fun with it. The more fun you have, the more you'll like to cook.

"A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep."

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Lifestyle Change

For now, this blog is being used for fitness posts. And I felt it was time for a quality update.

This post is designed to address the most common problem that plagues MOST modern Americans. The American Lifestyle. That is, once you fall into one path, you stick to it. People work full time, have large families, travel, stress, pay bills, and eventually find fast food and drink at every turn.

Before you say that "well he doesn't know what it's like", I do. I know exactly where you are. I used to be an overweight person too. I just found a way to change it. To this day, I work over 60 hours a week, and still make it to the gym almost every day. Stimulants are your best friend. Excuses are not. Even if you went and had a bad workout, you had no energy and you gave up after three sets, here is the bottom line. You still got up and went to the gym, and you are at least three sets ahead of everyone that decided to just sit at home. These days add up in your favor.

For "stimulants", I've added a section at the bottom just for supplements.

Every person has their reason for workouts. The goal is to find what drives and motivates you, and let it carry you. The reason doesn't even have to be a good reason. It just has to be YOUR reason. You are not working out for anyone else. You are doing this for yourself. Being a strong and confident person is not built in the gym, it is built from within. Let every day that you get up serve as a reminder to what life you have left behind. Even when that life has knocked you down, you got up and gave it a taste of the dust of your forward progress. Refuse to be just average.

So, let us begin!

 If you read the last gigantic post about body fat and healthy eating, and everything else you want to know about fitness, health and diet plans, now it is time to address the other half. Because the workout "program" will eventually stop working. Working out, and becoming a better, happier, fit individual is a lot more than just following steps. It is a complete lifestyle change. One day you'll realize that instead of hitting the burger joint, you WANT to bring your own lunch. Instead of taking the elevator, you WANT to enjoy the challenge of taking the stairs. The critical part is figuring out what works for you and your own life, and applying it.

So this post is mostly an example of how I organize my life. You may try it, modify it, or even do something completely different. As long as it works for you.

Firstly, you don't HAVE to eat 6-7 meals per day. Its annoying and tedious. As long as you are hitting the correct calories and macros by the end of the day, you're ok. Macros, is a shortened way to write "macronutrients", or a break down of the food components you are consuming. Carbs. Proteins. Fats. The key benefit that eating so often gets you, is that it eliminates your urge to snack. You'll never go through the day being hungry, or having the feeling that you have to eat something else. And that reduction in calories will be foremost to your progress as a healthier person. Do I eat 6 meals a day? Yes. Does that mean you also have to? No.

You should accept now, that you may lose a little sleep getting up earlier in the morning or going to sleep a little later at night just to cook and prepare your meals. It is imperative that you get into a habit of it. Because once you do, you'll feel as if your day isnt complete without doing it. For me, I use a food container such as the IsoBag, to store and carry all of my food and drink for the day. Even if I am away from the house all day, I will never miss a meal. A company called SixPackBags also makes one. I very quickly noticed that I saved a huge amount of my paycheck every week by not eating out so often.

This is a great opportunity to address something I get asked very often.

Do I have to keep changing my diet like I change my workouts?

The best thing about eating right, is that unlike your workouts, your body will almost never become acclimated to eating right. You don't have to keep constantly changing your diet in order to obtain the same results.

The way I eat for the on and off season are completely different. I view the "on" season as warm weather and summer time, the period where you are more exposed to the outside world and also a time to compete or model for various companies. In the "off" season, typically in the winter, I eat and sleep. Sometimes upwards of 6000 calories a day with tons of carbs just to increase my overall physical mass. A normal on season TBF (total body fat) for me is about 8%, and an off season can be upwards of 18%. This image is a fine example.

This post specifically, is written to address fat loss, or a "cut cycle". It will feature counts, nutrition, and supplements that are geared more towards that goal. Especially since the weather is now getting warmer, and misinformation and fake trainers are circling the internet like a pack of fat vultures.

I pick a single day to start my cut cycle. The two weeks before that I prep. Two weeks out I move a minifridge from the garage, just so all my food is exactly where it was when I left it, and no one touches it but me. I arrange my containers so that all the same size containers are all together. I place orders for more containers if I am missing any. I order all of my supplements in bulk, and pack them into capsules myself, weighed out on an analytical balance. And most importantly I start my taper in. I am normally eating A LOT of calories. Every day is monitored closely so that I eat maybe 200 calories less per day. So there is not a "caloric cliff" as I call it, when cut is actually started.

Word of wisdom, I personally take this time to get my junk fix out of the way. I eat all the cheeseburgers I've been thinking about. I slack. I eat less meals than I probably should. I drink soda. Knowing that in two weeks, I'll never have any of that again for months. Is this a bad way to do it? Yes. But it works for me.

Starting Weight: 183 @ 14.8%
Tapering In Weight: 177 @ 12.5%
Cut Weight: 167 @ 8%

The most weight I ever started cut at was two years ago, at 193lbs. Not including the years I have been overweight. But it is important to look at weight as a small portion of your overall image. If one year ago at cut I was at 7.5% TBF but 152lbs, and this year I would reach cut at 167lbs, it is reasonable to view your progress as 15lbs of lean muscle gained in one year.

During cut the normal rule of thumb is 11-12. That is, for you to cut to a certain TBF, you must consume 11-12 calories per pound of your target weight. This year I will be at cut around 170lbs. I calculate that I need about 12 calories per pound. That is 2040 calories to cut. Because I need at minimum 2700 calories to maintain my current body weight at 177, that is approximately a 700 calorie deficit per day. That equates out to about 1.5lbs lost per week, of FAT. This math works because there is 3500 calories per pound of saturated and stored fat. If a person reduces their daily diet by only 500 calories per day, they lose one pound per week. No questions asked.

Still with me?

So your body is going to be in a desperate starvation mode. Remember, your body does not like to lose its preciously stored fat. Other than closely monitoring my caloric intake, I take note of a single macro. Protein intake. In my current diet plan of 2100 calories, I take in 266 grams of protein. Which is a little over 1.5g per pound of body weight. This is primarily designed to induce your body into salvaging your hard earned muscle, and allowing your fat stores to be depleted. Unfortunately, having previously been fat, it is easier for me to be fat again. Look at almost half of the previous winners of The Biggest Loser. Many of them have gone back to being obese. It was clearly not a lifestyle change for them.

In the times I have trained girls, the large majority of them are eating FAR too less. Sometimes 1000 calories or less per day! If they say a picture is worth 1000 words.

Most of these girls were skinny yes, but they lacked any physical strength or complexion. Resulting in an ultimately unattractive figure. You MUST eat in order to lose weight. A concept that seems backwards to a lot of people.

Scientifically, two identical people can eat over 3x of their daily required calories. One will gain a significant amount of weight, the other will gain almost none. If the principle of CICO (calories in calories out) is true, what accounts for this difference? This is the reason I do not advocate CICO, because there is a lot more factors in play than just calories. Using laboratory studies, it was determined that the individual that gained less weight showed an increase in BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. It is primarily shown in the sleeping cycles. At night the subject's body increases the homeostatic temperature, and converted the extra calories to heat energy instead of fat tissue. Interesting to think about to say the least.

A Normal Day

So you've read all that. Excellent. So how do you incorporate it into your already busy life? Well. Here's how. I discovered that I gained two things by moving my workouts to the morning. One, I am not wiped out from an entire day of dealing with people. Two, my hormonal balance is not trying to fight me to go to sleep instead of workout. And if you attend a gym like I do, there is a third reason. In the morning the gym is like a freezer, and like a furnace in the evening.

If you have a full time regularly scheduled job, excellent. If not, it still works.

I am not a morning person. So I plan to get up at 0900. I can get in a full workout, and requested that my work shifts are not available until after 1100. I eat several meals on breaks and lunches while I'm running around at work. If you're one of those people who sweat profusely, or are naturally smelly, PLEASE shower before you go to work. Your coworkers will thank you.

By the time you're off work, you still have a few hours to prepare your meals for the next day, watch some of your favorite TV shows, unwind and relax, play with your kids, and go to sleep.

Look at this process, as a fun learning experience. If not, you'll fall right back into the same old process of life. If you're sick of your diet, you just need to change things up a bit. Instead of just grilling and eating a boring chicken breast, a few seconds here and there and you have an incredible new dish.

Add some cracked pepper and sea salt, and you have a juicy chicken breast with some kick.

Add some paprika, rubbed in before grilling. And you have a meal with some European zing.

Add some garlic and sear in light oil, and you have Meditteranean chicken.

The possibilities are endless. The same applies to your workout. If you're doing the same thing for more than a week, it stops working. Try something new. Try something fun. Move from 5 reps to 20. Move from 20 reps to 5. Keep it fresh!


In a cut cycle, there are an endless amount of supplements that can be taken. Keep in mind, pursuant to the previous article, supplements are not regulated by the FDA, and can cause serious harm if used incorrectly. If you can imagine things like DMAA, anabolic steroids, and ephedra. All three are PERFECTLY safe. But when someone takes a week worth of steroids in one day, thinking it will give them a week of progress, bad things happen. And suddenly we see it over and over, "one person ruins it for everyone". With this in mind, read on.

Caffeine Anhydrous:

The keystone to any workout, especially during cut. If you aren't used to it, taper into it slowly. You can find 200mg pill forms of caffeine anywhere for less than $10 a bottle. And one bottle is usually 750 cups of coffee equivalent. I take one in the morning, and every 4 hours until I go to sleep. Why? Firstly, a continuous dose keeps me from crashing. I feel alert and awake all day without drowsiness. But the most important part is that studies have indicated that caffeine induces the release of white adipose tissue as energy, or aka that it burns fat as energy. Excellent, that is exactly what we want to do.

BUT, caffeine is both a diuretic (makes you pee, a lot) and a vasoconstrictor (reduces blood flow by making the diameter of your blood vessels smaller). This is the reason why some people take caffeine to reduce a headache. To counteract this effect, I'll stack my preworkout caffeine dose with AAKG, or Arginine Alphaketoglutarate, a known short halflife vasodilator (opens blood vessels). In the morning I stack caffeine with EGCG, which is Epigallocatechin gallate (yeah try saying that 10 times). It is a known antioxidant and a concentrated form of green tea extract. It also promotes the use of fat for energy and prevents a hard crash from caffeine.

The dose for most people is not to exceed 800mg per day. Or 600mg per day for sensitive individuals, or those who have never taken large doses of caffeine.

GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid):

This gem of a supplement has been shown to increase your night time levels of Human Growth Hormone, and stimulates the use of thermogenic fat for muscle repair instead of muscle degradation. Meaning while you sleep you'll burn more fat than without this supplement, and it sustains your muscle growth during this process.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid):


This supplement stacked with GABA before bed has been shown to additionally support lean muscle mass while promoting a properly healthy total body composition and increases your BMR during periods of extended rest.

 NOTE: You DO NOT have to use all of these, or even any of these, to obtain the results you are looking for. But you are working hard for your body. Help it out along the way. That's how I see it. Your thoughts may differ.

Let me know if you have any questions.

"The greatest shame for a human to endure, is growing old and never knowing how much strength and potential their body had."

Natural or Nothing (Steroid Free)


Trooper Brian is a candidate of the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), a graduate with a Bachelor's Of Sciences Pre-Medicine in Biology at the University of Idaho, with additional studies in Human Biomechanics and Ergonomics. He received his Certified Nursing Assistant at the age of 16, and an Emergency Medical Technician at age 18.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Cut Body Fat: The Proper And Healthy Way

Last Update: February 2018

Welcome! This post will take a significant amount of time to read. And may require you to take some notes to get the full benefit. But contrary to the original title, it is not just for fat loss, but also for fitness in general, and a complete transformation. Whether that means you want to lose fat or gain lean mass, this will work for you. You're probably here because you met or interacted with Brian in real life and learned that over 99% of Americans are unhealthy, and probably learned how to diet and exercise from someone who was also taught the wrong way. You should walk into this with an open mind. And know full well that most things that "personal trainers" say, even certified ones, is complete crap. Can a certified trainer help motivate you to an end goal? Absolutely. Should you take advice from them about lifestyle, integration, biomechanics, and nutrition? NO. If I were to tell a CPT that snorting whey protein worked better than drinking it, I might even be able to track the increase of sinus infections across the city. For the lazy, you can scroll all the way to the bottom of this extensive article to check and verify my credentials before moving forward.

Before we begin, I would like to clear the air regarding workout programs and diets. I think "fad" diets are designed to do nothing but thin your wallet. You can get all the food from Atkins/South Beach/Whatever Beach for a fraction of the cost and a little bit of prep and a much better quality from your own grocery store. There is another article here you can read that covers this part in detail. A disturbing trend has emerged in the recent months regarding workout "programs". The popular ones are P90X, Crossfit, and Insanity, just to name a few. The problem is not that they don't work, all workout programs WORK. Most of the time simply because it takes a normally sedentary person and makes them perform physical activity, which is fantastic. The problem is that it fools people into buying something they don't need, to workout in such a way that isn't sustainable, and often is the wrong program for their body type.

Crossfit is even worse in the sense that it promotes people to perform largely compound movements with horribly poor form and under fatigue. It is the best way to cause musculoskeletal injury before significant progress is even made. Even in it's young age, there has already been significant documentation to show that persons engaging in Crossfit are sustaining a great amount more injury than normal athletes, unnecessarily. Let's be clear, Crossfit is an excellent test of overall physical shape, but should never be used to get there. It took me four years of school above high school and another three years of training just to know what I know today. It takes two days and $1000 to become a "certified" Crossfit "trainer". Would you learn to drive from someone who learned to drive two days ago? Would you get surgery from a surgeon that learned human anatomy two days ago? So why would you learn to workout, make changes to your entire physical being, from someone who learned how to lift two days ago?

Here is an excerpt from WebMD regarding Crossfit:

"Be aware that the CrossFit coach may not have an appropriate educational background in sports conditioning. Strength and conditioning specialists spend years learning proper technique of explosive exercises and some have degrees in exercise science, biomechanics, or kinesiology.

CrossFit claims that the system is “empirically driven and clinically tested” which insinuates that the methods are scientifically supported. A review of the current scientific literature, however, shows no published studies about CrossFit in top-rated peer-reviewed strength and conditioning or exercise physiology research journals.

Not only are the exercises themselves risky, but performing them under a fatigued state, such as during an intense circuit, increases the risk of injury even further"

To quote a Dutch neurophysiologist Kenneth Jay:

"With an increased HR to VO2 relationship it will never be as good as typical cardio exercises. It is simple physiology really. Increased heart rate decreases the time available to fill the left ventricle of the heart, which means that the left ventricle will contain and eject less blood per contraction. This means that the 'stretching' of the heart wall, which is necessary to increase your stroke volume and your VO2, does not happen. It’s the Frank-Starling mechanism in full effect and it’s basic cardiorespiratory physiology. Moral of the story: stop thinking you can “get your cardio in” by lifting weights—no matter how fast you lift them!"

Additionally, a study from Hak (2013) shows a 310% increase in rates of injury for CrossShit versus traditional bodybuilding (Eberhardt, 2007). In a published study of Giordano (2014) in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine shows an independently studied rate of 19.4% of injury for all participants. In a self-reported study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows over 73.5% injury rate, many of which required corrective surgery as a result of Crossfit training. The bottom line is, stay away from this cult like following. Stay away from these undereducated people who spent 2 days learning how to "train" without adequate knowledge or experience. I can't emphasize enough, save your body in the long run, and stay away from that stupid shit.

And let's not forget what happened to Dr. Atkins of the Atkins Diet...he died.

So here we go:

You’re probably reading this because you want to make a change in your life. Since high school a large portion of people you’ve known have gained weight, had kids, both, or otherwise become lardasses. Maybe you’ve been trying to lose fat and its just not happening. Or you were told that you somehow have to lose muscle to lose fat, which is a complete lie. Well…keep reading! Let’s start by debunking a few myths.

Myth 1: Doing the hard work, burns the fat.

In reality, spending all day doing high intensity on the treadmill will do nothing but make you tired. Fat is a compressed energy source. It takes an extended low intensity exercise to coax it out. Imagine a fat kid with a pile of cupcakes. He’s greedy, just like your body. If you try and take it all at once, he’ll probably eat you instead. If you slowly take one cupcake at a time, he probably won’t notice until its all gone.

Doing cardio (heart rate 160+) is great if you’re training for a marathon. Not so great if you’re trying to lose body fat. I use the word “weight” loosely, the idea behind it is to lose BODY FAT, and minimal muscle.

This is a great place to stop and discuss the concept of "cardio". There are actually several different types of cardiovascular exercise, each designed to accomplish different tasks. Traditional cardio, which brings your heart rate about 160, which is around 80% of a younger human's MHR (Maximum Heart Rate) is designed to increase the body's total RBC (Red Blood Cell) volume, resulting in increased time to fatigue and significant progress in weight training. It also increases what is known as VO2M or VO2 Max, which put simply is the maximum oxygen exchange your body is capable of, or the overall efficiency of your body to absorb and utilize oxygen. Therefore, HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is designed to increase the overall EPOC, or Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption. This results in actual muscle tissue damage that is repaired by thermogenesis and is a great way to burn fat in a short amount of training duration. And lastly is LISS or Low Intensity Steady State, this can burn the same amount of fat over an extended period of time, often found on treadmills or bikes as the "fat burn zone", keeping the heart rate near or below 120 for an hour or more.

Myth 2: “I don’t want to build muscle, I just want to tone.”

Well, we’ve all heard this from one person or another. Take this time to correct them and laugh, or simply distract them and punch them in the face. The idea behind “toning” USED to be doing low weight high rep weights to “cut” a certain muscle. Human anatomy for the last few decades has told us that it is IMPOSSIBLE to “spot reduce” a muscle. The most common example being: Doing a ton of situps will give you a six pack. So when I say toning is a myth, this is exactly what I mean. It is often referred to in the professional industry as "the dreaded T word" because it leads mostly females who would have otherwise created excellent physiques into fooling themselves into lifting light weights for fear of becoming "huge".

Avoiding lifting heavy weights thinking it will make you massive is like avoiding driving thinking it will make you a NASCAR driver. The claim is absurd and unfounded.

It is important to incorporate different rep schemes into your workout, one week you may perform 5RM (five rep max) workouts. The next you may perform 20 rep workouts. Supersets, dropsets, double dropsets, bookends, pyramids...

Myth 3: Running on an empty stomach burns fat.

When you wake up in the morning, your insulin levels are at an all time low. Your body has been in a catabolic state for the last six hours or more. Once you wake up, the only energy source your body has remaining is to burn off all your hard earned muscle. EAT. Wait an hour or two. THEN do your running or morning gym session. Recent studies have shown that you may preserve muscle breakdown if you exercise before cardio by using BCAA supplementation and low intensity (below 65% MHR) cardio.

Lets break this one down too, since some people are confused. At all times your body is in one of two states. There is no middle ground. These two states are catabolic and anabolic. Which is why you hear of "anabolic steroids" or simply "roids". An anabolic state is a state in which a positive nitrogen balance exists in your body, energy is being expended in the form of carbohydrates instead of muscle tissue. In a catabolic state, your body is in "survival mode", burning your hard earned muscle tissue and storing excess energy in the form of fat. This is a basic survival mechanism that dates back a gazillion years. A good fitness professional will be in an anabolic state 20 hours in a day. Some even more dedicated will wake up in the middle of the night to have a protein shake or some extra carbs.

Myth 4: The girl who says she doesn’t do weight because she doesn’t want to look like Schwarzenegger.

The best way for a female to burn fat is using weights. Most girls don't touch weights because they're afraid they're going to look like Schwarzenegger. But in reality it takes a huge amount of testosterone to build muscle, which thankfully most girls have a significant shortage of. So using muscle will only cause energy to be used.

Myth 5: Take short breaks between sets.

This one is mostly for males. Here, like many things in life, consistency is the key. Regardless on what you decide, make sure you time it, and the time is consistent between sets. And when I say “build” I should say “rebuild”. It is impossible to create more muscle fibers. You are an adult with a steady amount of muscle fibers. What your body is building is called muscle hypertrophy. Or simply making the existing fibers bigger.

This is why most workout routines for mass recommend a 90 second rest between sets.

This includes an important update in the recent years. Research has discovered that short rest periods, 60 seconds or less, result in a significant increase of peripheral HGH, that is Human Growth Hormone found outside of the central endocrine system. If you want quick gains using lighter weights, reduce your rest periods. So should you take short breaks? The answer is multifaceted, it depends on your goal.

Myth 6 (Added 06/16/2014): Always drink a protein shake after workouts.

This one is OLD. It has been believed for decades that you should have a protein shake after working out because of the "anabolic window". This somehow magical 60 minute time you have to drink a protein shake or lose your work. This is false for two major reasons. Firstly, your body's repair is performed during sleep cycles, not after you work out. It would be wise to have some simple carbs after a workout to replenish burned glycogen stores, but not for muscle building. Secondly, a standard NHWPI (non hydrolyzed whey protein isolate) must undergo digestion before it is absorbed. This means even if you drank a protein shake the SECOND you reracked the last weight, it would be more than 2-3 hours before your body even began to get the first amino acids from the protein shake. The shake must be digested, then absorbed, and metabolized, before it can finally be used. This is where BCAA (or Branched Chain Amino Acids) come into play. These are four essential amino acids that can actually be directly absorbed into your bloodstream and have been proven to prevent or reduce catabolic effects.

This update (3/3/11) is so important I decided to put it near the top. It is common knowledge, but not as common as one would think. Ask ANY regular gym goer what the two best exercises are. If their answer is not immediately "squats and deadlifts", they have absolutely no business being in the gym. The experts say "the squat is king" for good reason. And mostly they mean the back squat. Your shoulders and traps are used to hold the bar in place, your back and chest are used to keep the bar stable, your core is used to keep the bar upright, and your lumbar, hip flexors, and legs drive the weight through the lift. It IS a total body workout. For males, it is entirely possible to have a big upper body without ever doing a curl or bench press by doing squats, the massive release of Free Testosterone FT, Human Growth Hormone HGH, and Insulinlike Growthfactor 1 IGF-1 are systemic effects, causing muscle hypertrophy everywhere.

Another great use is its universality. It is just as effective as a fat loss workout as it is a mass building workout. Because so many muscle groups are involved, it also induces the use of fat as an energy source and for recovery.

A question I get asked a lot is about stalling or the dreaded "plateau". People reach a peak of fitness where they can't seem to get any more progress regardless of what they do. I ask "Have you been doing squats?" Typically, the answer is no. And once they start, they blast right through the plateau.

And now some common errors:

Error 1: Machines

Its not that machines are bad. They create specifically isolated single joint movements. But sports science over the years have taught us that multijoint movements are the gold standard of routines. Such as squats, deadlifts, etc. There are two main reasons why most beginner routines don’t use many machines.

One. It doesn’t allow the use of stabilizer muscles, which are important when you increase in weight. It creates a bad habit of resorting to machines when you SHOULD be using free weights such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.

Two. Most people when they get to a single joint movement, use momentum to move the weight. When you do, you not only significantly increase the risk of injury, you also defeat the purpose of the single joint movement. We’ve all seen them. They set the machine to a huge amount of weight, and use their body or legs to “kick” or “jerk” the weight for reps. The key is going SLOW. This boils down to TUT. Time Under Tension. A good set lasts 45 seconds or more. This allows the small tears to happen in your muscle fibers which your body then has to rebuild, resulting in a larger stronger muscle fiber.

When I say machines, I mean one you are typically seated to use. Cable machines on the other hand are great. They are a key part of many routines and differ significantly from exercises involving freeweights. This is because a freeweight is let off when you get to the full range of motion. But a cable keeps constant tension on the muscle.

Error 2: Bench No Back

There are those guys who can bench a huge amount of weight. They brag to people about it. But at a certain point they begin to wonder why they can’t do any more. Its because they have neglected the complement muscle, the back. There are two of the most important muscle groups in your body. Your core (abs, obliques, etc) and your posterior chain. Which consists of everything from your traps (shoulders), down the back, and the back of your legs. Without strength in these areas, your gains in other places will be minimal.

Error 3: Blasting Through Sets

This has been covered above. TUT. If you work hard just to get the set over with, you might as well not even waste your time. Just sit at home and eat ice cream.

Error 4: Up No Down

These are the worst. You’ve for sure seen them in all stages, from the huge guy to the beginner. They work only upper body, get HUGE. But they have peg legs. With calves that look like you could snap with a kick. Every gym has dozens of them, every one as comical as the last.  Fitness is not about size, its about that…TOTAL BODY FITNESS.

But oh I'm sorry, you're not into fitness, you're into bodybuilding? Are legs not part of your body?

Don't look like an upside down bowling pin. Do your fucking squats.

Error 5: Late Night

Sometimes even I have to break this rule. Try not to go to the gym past 2100. As a human being, this is when your melatonin levels begin to rise to prepare your body for sleep. This will be counterproductive to what you are trying to accomplish at the gym.

I did have one person try to correct me on this. And let me assure you, it is MELATONIN and not SEROTONIN. Serotonin is a hormone responsible for adaptive and innate immune response to foreign pathogens, and imbalance causes depression. Not what we're talking about here.

SO! This article is mostly for people trying to cut body fat. I might write another for anyone trying to add mass, but most guys seem to be doing it right.

This block is added in 2017:

The Greatest Killers of Success:


You don't need that special drink. You don't need that fancy machine. You MOST CERTAINLY do not need a "detox." That's what your liver is for. At the time of this update, less than 1% of Americans are healthy anymore. Over 70% are overweight. The problem comes from people who do things wrong, see a little progress, and lead other people into doing things wrong. I don't like to have internet debates with who is right or wrong. They are free to believe who they want. I've had people point out inaccuracies in this article. I rechecked the sources, and made the appropriate updates.


I see them every day. They go to the gym, spend about 90% of the time on their phone, do about three half-assed sets, and leave. Then they complain to me they aren't seeing results. Leave the phone in your car, or in the locker. 

Most importantly, your diet. For the next six weeks, try this.

Phase I: Weeks 1-3

Days 1, 4, 6:

2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 orange

1 cup low fat yogurt, 2tbsp ground flaxseeds

1 wheat tortilla, 6oz chicken breast, ½ cup black beans, 2 cups mixed green salad, 2tbsp oil/vinegar

1 banana, 1 Pro Complex

2 Hydrowhey, 2 slices white bread, 2tbsp jelly

8oz sirloin steak, 1 cup green beans, 1 medium sweet potato

1 cup low fat cottage cheese

Days 2, 3, 5, 7:

1 whole wheat English muffin, 3 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1oz low fat cheese

1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter

6oz chicken breast, 2 cups mixed green salad, 2tbsp oil/vinegar

1 cup oatmeal, 1 Pro Complex

1 medium potato, 2 Hydrowhey

8oz salmon, 20 asparagus

1 Casein, 1oz almonds

Phase II: Weeks 4-6

Days 1, 4, 6:

1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup low fat milk, 1 Pro Complex

1 cup low fat yogurt, 2tbsp ground flaxseeds

6oz chicken breast, 2 slices whole wheat bread, ½ avocado

1 apple, 1 Pro Complex

2 Hydrowhey, 24oz Gatorade

9oz tilapia, 2 cups mixed green salad, 2tbsp oil/vinegar

1 cup low fat cottage cheese

If you're like me, I would rather starve to death than eat cottage cheese. Have a casein shake with 2% milk instead.

Days 2, 3, 5, 7:

3 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1oz low fat cheese, 1 cup spinach, ¼ cup salsa

1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter

6oz tuna, 2 cups mixed green salad, 2tbsp oil/vinegar

½ cup pineapple, 1 Pro Complex

½ cup sorbet, 2 Hydrowhey

8oz pork, 2 cups broccoli

1 Casein, 1oz walnuts

Now Phase 1 is Weeks 1-3, the amounts total out to about 2700 calories a day, which is calculated for a 180lb individual. Since most girls are nowhere close to that, you can figure maybe 20-30% less per serving. This diet uses the concept of carbohydrate cycling. This allows your body to use fat as primary energy, while still maintaining a healthy carbohydrate supply for healthy lifestyles.

Phase 2 will cut even more for the remaining three weeks. About 2400 calories total.

And this is STRICT. DO NOT deviate from this schedule. Don’t skip days at the gym. In the end you’re only cheating yourself. If you are not used to a fitness routine, DO NOT jump right into any routine. It will only throw your body into survival mode and cause you to gain more weight. Ever see Week 2 of the Biggest Loser? If you are already in reasonable shape and have a properly controlled diet, you can jump right into Phase II. If not, you should start at Phase I and slowly taper into it.

I covered this first because your work in the gym is only a small part of the puzzle, the majority of change will come from your diet. You should ALWAYS eat before bed, contrary to what your mom told you. The best thing is something like 100% Micellar Casein and a handful of almonds or walnuts. While sleep is one of the best things for the body, its also one of the worst. One one hand, you repair damage from the previous day. But also after four hours you start burning muscle as a catabolic process.

Now that you have your diet figured out, we can cover what you’re doing in the gym!

Start with the weights. LISS (which we will cover later) burns glycogen, your body’s high energy short term energy source. Weights requires short periods of extreme activity, which requires a good amount of glycogen. You can find a solid routine with a simple Google, but I can also design one for you if you’d like one. But for body fat loss, you’ll want to do a bit higher rep, maybe 8-10. This will allow you to build a bit of muscle in the process. But this brings me back, you won’t look like Arnie.

The workout without a partner should only take you an hour or so. With a good 90 second rest between sets. Now you should LISS. This is Low Intensity Steady State. A bicycle or treadmill works best. Pick a speed that keeps your heart rate at 120-130. Then, and ONLY THEN is fat actually burned. Because fat is a compressed carbohydrate, it takes longer to break down. When you do dedicated cardio, you will be burning only the carbs your body has for that day. Because it is a faster energy source. Maybe 30 or 40 minutes in will you feel tired, like you cant run anymore, “hitting the wall”. This is because you’ve burned off all your body’s precious energy source and FINALLY you begin to burn fat. So why waste your time?

On weekends when you don't have to go to work, is when you should be doing HIIT. Now the real fun begins. High Intensity Interval Training. A good one would be finding a football field, do a bit of jogging to warm up, and then SPRINT from one endzone to the other, and walk back to the start. Repeat 6-8 times. It should only take you 10-15 minutes, but it better be the hardest 10-15 minutes of your life. Proven by studies, there is not a HUGE difference between HIIT and LISS, but the amount is significant. HIIT will result in a much greater fat loss than LISS. But HIIT takes people out for a few days, do LISS in the meantime. The reason for this is called EPOC or Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption. And because your fat stores are rich in oxygen, its the best source of energy to burn in this time. For this reason your body and muscles will feel "hot" for a few hours after HIIT sessions.

But most of all, good luck. And DON’T QUIT!

Oh and one more thing! Body types and genetics. While true, body type will have a HUGE impact over genetics. Because well, using genetics as an excuse for being fat is unacceptable. The total genetic influence for your body's ability to obtain or shed fat, is about 4%.  Every race and individual will have different qualities. In general for all human beings, there are three body types.

(following is copy pasted)


The extreme ectomorph physique is a fragile and delicate one. The bones are light, joints are small and muscles are slight. The limbs are relatively long in proportion and the shoulders droop. The ectomorph is a linear physique. Straight up and straight down, and may appear longer than he or she really is, due to the length of limbs coupled with lack of muscle mass developed on those limbs. The ectomorph is not naturally powerful and will have to work hard for every ounce of muscle and every bit of strength he or she can gain.


The mesomorph has well-defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.


The body of the extreme endomorph is round and soft. The physique presents the illusion that much of the mass has been concentrated in the abdominal area. This may or may not be true. The arms and legs of the extreme endomorph are short in length and taper. This may give the appearance of stalkiness. The hands and feet of the endomorph are comparatively small, and the upper arms and thighs are often more developed than the lower parts of the arms or legs. The body has a high waist."

Most significantly will be your race. Most Caucasians will find they build muscle and burn fat more readily than most. Most Asians will find they build muscle at a slightly slower rate than others. And well, if you’re black you can do a single curl and have 20” biceps. Ok so that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But when was the last time you saw a black guy that wasn’t easily ripped? Or a fat Asian? Exactly.

Some people asked, great there is a diet plan, but what if I can't do it? And what should I do in the gym?

Ok. If you're like me, you don't like to spend tons of time in the kitchen when you're hungry. If you're eating right, you should NEVER feel hungry in the day. The night before or the week before I will use a lot of Tupperware style containers, and grill, bake, fry, chop, and otherwise prepare all my food for the week, labeled and documented before putting it in the fridge. If I get in a jam where I need to grab and run, I can. A "food bugout" if you will.


There are THOUSANDS of routines out there, most of them are great. You can either use one for a month and switch, but the problem with most routines is in the name. ROUTINE. As a human, your body is highly adaptive to what you do to it, a few weeks your progress will slow to a crawl regardless of what you try.

So here is what I do. I make a list, with a section for each of your major muscle groups. Chest, Back, Core, Legs, Shoulders, Bi/Tri. Each day I pick two muscle groups and three exercises for each group. This makes sure I hit each muscle group at least twice a week and eliminates the need for an unnecessary "day off".

Secondly, supplements. While you can do everything without supplements, modern sports science has made it possible to increase your progress and gains by record amounts. I also have a list of supplements available.

Here is the exercise list I've been using. Use it to develop a routine that works for you.

From doing lab research and working in the Body Mechanics and Ergonomics Lab, as well as staring at every body part known to man under a microscope for hours on end, I've come to a few of my own conclusions this year.

First, I think preworkouts are silly. Utterly ridiculous money pits for workout enthusiasts. Most of these are called "nitric oxide", however it is impossible to consume nitric oxide in a usable form. The actual product is called arginine, which stimulates the release of NO in the body, which is ordinarily a toxic byproduct. This substance is responsible for vasodilation, or the expansion of blood vessels. HOWEVER, the supplement is often also spiked with caffeine, a vasoconstrictor. The two work hand in hand and as a result, almost nothing happens except you feel better and very hot in the gym.

You can have the same effect for $2, buy a bottle of 200 capsules of 200mg caffeine, take one with 400mg of EGCg before the gym. Done. You can also use intraworkout supplements such as IntraVol, but 16oz of Gatorade will work just as well.

Secondly, cardio is a CRITICAL component of any workout program, bulk or cut. The reason being, in order to increase your endurance, your body must generate and maintain a larger amount of RBC, or red blood cell, the primary oxygen carrier with hemoglobin in your body. It becomes hugely important past the 3rd or 4th rep of an exercise, when your anaerobic system has been exhausted and your aerobic system is kicking in.

I've added this section because I found it necessary in the new year of 2011. Industries love exploiting your wallet in the new year, to buy into "fat burners" or sometimes called in the industry as "thermogenics". Granted, some of them work, if you put in the effort. This comes back to my original statement that preworkouts are silly, similar concept.

After seeing so many ads, each touting their own "clinically proven" studies, I decided to go to their websites, look up the studies, and interpret them as a biologist. First off, a "double blind clinical trial" is just a study done properly. Its like a "2011 Ford F150" is a "truck". Regardless of what you add to the title, it is STILL a truck.

I found two major flaws. One, most of these studies are not published. Which in the science world, means the study is useless, unreliable, and technically never happened. Two, the studies that can be slightly reliable, are performed in labs outside the United States with no controls, or in low reputation small labs in the US and untrained technicians. The studies research fat loss in "brown adipose tissue". Scientifically, this is true, as any adipose tissue can be advertised as "fat". HOWEVER, as a human being, you have not had brown adipose tissue since the age of ONE. A huge majority of your fat stores occurs in the form of WHITE adipose tissue. As a result, they can legally advertise substances and drugs that have no real effect on the body.


On today's agenda, high fructose corn syrup. Its not that you shouldn't be consuming a fair amount of calories and sugar, they call them "empty calories" because they provide you with no real nutritional value. But there is a world of difference between HFCS and sugar, like comparing a Glock to a 1911. The issue at hand comes from the way they are processed. The human body cannot process and directly use fructose as an energy source. When it is encountered, it must be processed through the liver to become a usable form of energy. In excessive amounts, the fructose provides an energy surplus, which the body will convert directly to longer chains, or drops of fat. These drops are then stored in the form of white adipose tissue, body fat. SUGAR on the other hand, is a short chain glucose or sucrose. Glucose interacts with insulin as a membrane carrier and allows glucose to be used directly by the body without processing. If you still have an addiction to soda, try something like Sierra Mist Natural. It costs more because sugar costs more than HFCS, but you won't gain fat as readily, and it provides a short energy boost.

Also two, salad. Some people have asked a tough question, why are vegetables so good if humans cannot digest them? An entire bowl of salad may only provide 45 calories if not dressed. Two reasons. Firstly, the simple food volume fills your stomach readily, removing the urge to eat, thus giving the indication that you are "full", and therefore causes you to eat less by craving. Secondly, it provides fiber, a great component of digestive health and regularity. This is because vegetation like lettuce is mostly plant cellulose, what you are eating is the remaining material of cell walls in the lettuce. Humans do not have cell walls, and therefore does not have the mechanism required to process cellulose. In animals such as cows, cellulose is processed by bacterial colonies in a separate gut.

As always, remember to stay properly hydrated and use electrolyte replacements such as Gatorade or Powerade. Its not just a ploy to sell you a sports drink. You need to replace elements such as K+ (potassium) or Ca2+ (calcium) because they are used up in the process of signaling that causes your muscles to contract and relax. Its the same idea as fatigue. Your muscle never really gets "tired", or you would be dead. But simply your central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can no longer send as strong of a signal to your muscle, and as a result it feels weaker.


Now that you have a good diet and you probably know how to run a proper workout, now we are on to the next most important thing, supplements! An intense workout regiment requires many energy sources and amino acids that your body is unable to naturally produce at the rate you are consuming them. As a result you may not see results as good as you would like.

Just like last time, lets go over a few basics first. One, if you want to do anabolic steroids (or simply “roids”), don’t bother reading. You’ll probably be dead by the time any of this actually applies. This is only for people who want to exercise and stay healthy, the PROPER way. As a clinical biologist, I’ve been able to see through the bullshit that supplement makers write on their bottles.

Its important to note, that AS A SUPPLEMENT (meaning not essential for normal human beings), ALL supplements are not subject to FDA approval. There are many supplements that can cause significant harm if used in excess or timed incorrectly.

So let’s jump right in!

First off is the most common. Whey. Otherwise known as 100% Whey Isolate. You will often see them in two forms. Whey Isolate and Whey Concentrate. Whey Isolate is far better, I tend to stay away from Whey Concentrate, its like buying concentrated juice. Why buy the concentrate if you can have real juice? The best I’ve used personally is Pro Complex made by Optimum Nutrition, typically runs about $50 for a 1-2 month supply, depending on how fast you use it. For the guys trying to add muscle, the same price will get you double the amount of Pro Complex GAINER, which is basically doubled in mass with maltodextrin, a long chain sugar that your body will have to process to use, that way you don’t just add fat instead of muscle. You may also see “hydrolyzed” whey. In reality its nothing but a process that chops the protein chains into smaller pieces so your body can absorb it faster. Best for after the workouts, its why I added “Hydrowhey” to the routine. This is also made by Optimum Nutrition in the form of “Platinum Hydrowhey”.

Secondly, casein. Or 100% Micellar Casein. You’ll want to consume this before going to bed. Upon contact with stomach acid, it solidifies into a bit of a gel, causing your body to work and digest it throughout the night to reduce the amount of time your body is in a catabolic state. Also the best one here is made by Optimum Nutrition, a 4lb jug for about $55 will last you a few months. It may sound like a lot, but that’s less than a dollar a day. You will also find this as "hydrolyzed" casein, this is much like 100% Whey, which is a great alternative if you are allergic to any whey ingredients. Casein is mostly a milk product, so stay away if you are potentially or have had issues in the past with milk products.

In REALITY, you can get away with just the three listed above. But for even better gains and overall health, you can add the following.

Nitric Oxide: In reality, its impossible to "consume" nitric oxide (or NO), what you are really consuming is L-arginine. But since the word blows most meatheads' minds, NO is used. The effect of arginine is the increased production of nitric oxide. Normally, nitric oxide is a toxic byproduct of cellular metabolism, hell your immune system USES nitric oxide in the defense of your body by promoting cell lysis (bursting of cell membranes). HOWEVER, in short periods of use, it acts as a vasodilator, increasing blood flow to your muscles. While you may not necessarily lift more, your focus and recovery times will be incredible. Because of this, you'll feel like your body is on fire, much like taking a thermogenic. Therefore it is not a good idea to take the two together, even though it can be done safely. But you should never have to. NO is used for a bulking season, and thermogenics are used to cut, so there would be no logical reason to combine them. Some good ones are BSN's NOexplode ("award winning") or Muscletech's NaNO Vapor. Runs typically $30 for a good month or two supply. Black Powder is also a good one. Unless your name is Marlon, in which case it just makes you angry.

The problem I have with this is that pre-workout supplements are silly. I've mentioned this before.

BCAA: These are “branched chain amino acids”, see above. There is already a good amount of this in Pro Complex, but you can supplement it too if you’d like. A good one is Xtend. Xtend the workout supplement, not to be confused with the fake penis enlargement pill. Basically this reinforces to your body that you are now able to burn fat, and NOT muscle.

Fish Oil: Well, the benefits of fish oil and Omega-3 has been proven for a long time. Omega-3 being just a fancy way of saying that the double bond of a fatty acid occurs on the third kink in the chain from the Omega side of the chain. Basically it promotes a healthy metabolism and reduces the absorption of bad fats. To a point. This doesn’t mean you get to go out and chomp down burgers. But there are only good benefits, so why not? Two per day.

Vitamin C: You can almost never get enough. Its good for your immune system, maybe a good 800mg or more a day, eat an orange or two, or take a supplement. One word. Scuuuuuuuuuuuurrvy.

Calcium Carbonate: A recent study reveals that taking calcium supplements increases your chance of heart attack by 30%. But you’re a young and active individual, you need the excess calcium for reconstruction. It’s a risk I’d rather take. But instead of using pills, just drink a good supply of milk. Maybe one gallon every 3-4 days.

Caffeine Anhydrous: If you start your morning with a cup of coffee, try the pill instead. Its faster, MUCH cheaper, and much more effective. A typical cup of coffee has 85mg of caffeine, most pills have 200mg. Combine this with 400-500mg of EGCG (which we will get to later) and you have an excellent jumpstart to your morning. Caffeine has been proven to not only allow you to work harder, but promote your body to deplete its adipose tissue stores more readily (your fat). I found a bottle of 200 capsules (different than caplets) for $1 on eBay. And hey, Boise people, its in Boise, you could buy it then ask to just pick it up!


This stands for Epigallocatechin gallate (yes I had to Google Machine it because I can never spell it right). Its found only in Green Tea Extract, and typically in 50% concentration at its highest. Which means 400mg of GTE would only yield 200mg of EGCG. You could also drink about 10-12 cups of green tea, but I wouldn’t really recommend this. This is an important part of any exercise routine, especially ones involving any type of thermogenics (up next). This is because not only does it have great antioxidant properties, it is responsible for keeping the norepinephrine and synephrine levels up in your blood. I bought the Now Brand EGCG from eBay, $10 maybe.

Thermogenics (aka fat burners): We all know from high school science that heat is everywhere in the universe. You cannot create nor destroy energy. So in order for your body to create energy, it generates it in the form of heat, which results in the work performed by your body. A good thermogenic typically has two counteracting systemic hormones, and a simple thermogenic. For example, a good one to start with is Lipo6, it also comes in Lipo6x and Lipo6Black. Experienced users should use Lipo6Black, it contains synephrine (a synthetic form of norepinephrine, which will raise your blood pressure) and Yohimbe (a powerful medicinal treatment for erectile dysfunction). Well you may ask, why would I want to have a boner all day!? Well the two effects are counteracted systemically, one is a vasodilator, one is a vasoconstrictor. The only effect allows the thyroid stimulating hormone to act on your thyroid and the rest of your fat stores, safely. For the girls, there is also a female version, such as Lipo6 Hers. Another good one that could be worth trying is Hydroxycut, it works in different ways and costs a bit more. Lipo6Black typically runs $55, but I found it on eBay shipped for $28. Like the word implies "thermo" or "heat", best used before or after summer for cutting, since during the summer you might just die of heat stroke. It induces your body to create excess heat, which STILL MUST BE vented off. If you'll remember from earlier, heat results in the burning of energy. And if you're exercising and supplementing correctly, this energy will ONLY come from fat. On the bright side, you'll never be cold in the winter. But I suppose a significant other could help with that too.

But I don't believe that thermogenics work any better than a dose of caffeine, as you've already read above.

In 2009 there was a recall of 14 products made under the "Hydroxycut" name, whether or not the deaths of a few individuals were directly related. The recall WAS voluntary. It has since been reformulated and is back on the market.

HOWEVER, Lipo6 "Original", not 6x or Black, STILL CONTAINS a substance listed on their label as "Synthetic 99% Guggulsterones Z&E 1:1", an extract of the Guggul plant. While its long term effects or side effects have yet to be thoroughly researched or proven, this substance is a LIVER stimulating hormone. Anyone with a medical background or knowledge of human anatomy will tell you that the stimulation of any single or multiples of organs without systemic influence can cause a dangerous change in the natural homeostatic patterns of your body. I WOULD NOT recommend you take the Original version. Black (while the most powerful of the three) remains relatively safe because its influence is thyroid stimulating, causing a normal systemic influence.

I’m sure I missed a bunch, so if you have a question about something, post it up! Otherwise your thoughts and opinions are appreciated as always. :D Feel free to delete it, send me hate mail, text blast my phone, kick your neighbor's dog, or however you would like to vent your anger.

Most importantly, don’t quit!

“Go light until you get it right!”

Trooper Brian is a candidate of the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), a graduate with a Bachelor's Of Sciences Pre-Medicine in Biology at the University of Idaho, with additional studies in Human Biomechanics and Ergonomics. He received his Certified Nursing Assistant at the age of 16, and an Emergency Medical Technician at age 18.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A busy few days...

I would like to thank Governor Candidate Allen Alley for coming to see us here at the College Republicans and the Finance Club this Tuesday. After the worst time trying to find some parking, he gave an hour-long very interesting and very informative lecture on small business and entrepreneurship. Halfway through I got a little distracted as I began to think of the billion business opportunities that are still available, but that is another story entirely!

On the way out the door I thanked him for taking the time to come speak to us, and before I knew it I got invited to attend dinner with him and a few others from the Finance Club as well as CR. After walking to hitch a ride with one of his campaign members (his son I think?), I soon realized that everyone else was wearing either a collared shirt or a nice 3-piece suit. And there I sat wearing black biking pants, an OD green T-shirt, and a Team Glock baseball cap. I felt like such a schmuck, but no one really seemed to care. Or at least I hope not.

After getting the chance to hear his views on pressing issues and his attitude in general, he sure has my vote! You can view his website and viewpoints at:

Today was another busy day. Classes and lectures aside, in place of the regular CR meeting, we were supposed to have a presentation by Chris Horner (author of the book Big Red Lies), hosted by CFACT at 1900. However, his flight was delayed and was unable to make it for another few hours. I must say I do admire him for having the dedication to wait for delayed flights, land, then book it two hours south from Portland to Corvallis, just to make a presentation regarding global climate shift, formerly known as "global warming". Any normal presenter would have called it quits and postponed until the next day, but he isn't any normal speaker, he is a Republican!

His organization even offered to buy dinner to keep members around while we were waiting for him to arrive. Now THAT is a generous action that no words can be put to.

His presentation was very interesting, mixed in with some pretty good humor and pokes at Democraps, made it an overall very good night. There was however, one thing in his presentation you won't find coming from the mouths of hippie alarmists and gungrabbers alike, and that is the TRUTH. The use of fact to back up an argument, incorporated into both the premise and conclusions, is something unheard of for someone who lacks the ability to reason. I'm not going to name any names(liberaldemocrats)but it is sure obvious.

After the presentation, I had a chance to speak with him and thank him for bustling to make the presentation. And talked until a janitor came to kick us out. (I had no idea the MU actually closed.)

He is the kind of person that politicians REALLY need to listen to. You can find him at the Competitive Enterprise Institute:

All in all a very eventful two days, with a vast amount of insight and information there for the grabbing. Thanks again to Allen Alley and Chris Horner for taking the time to share their knowledge! And a special thanks to President RJ Friedman of the College Republicans for setting it up, and all my fellow College Republicans alike. Make Oregon RED!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It has been a WHILE.

I figured this would be a good place to keep a blog of my political efforts, a member from Deviant Art reminded me. :)

And as a thanks for the reminder, here is a link to his page.

A few weeks ago was 2nd Amendment Week:

It all started with this:

This Letter to the Editor was written and printed prior to our events. Keep in mind our EIC is very anti-gun, but manages to keep the paper fairly unbiased:

The event had been in the books for quite some time, and kicked off April 13th. I had to man the booth six hours a day, through rain and shine.

On Thursday we got Lars Larson to come down all day for a live national broadcast, and had about 200 show up for a rally.

On Friday, we raffled off a Marlin 917V in a drawing, and later in the day offered a free concealed handgun class (normally $100 in Oregon) for all student, over 300 showed up, the largest class in Oregon history. Several professors even paid the extra $40 to attend.

This past week has just been back and forth between ignorance and fact. On Monday, a writer created this article, riddled with nothing but ignorance.

An op-ed was later printed, written by the President of College Republicans:

The entire week the College Democraps felt they had the need to set up a tent too. Monday through Wednesday no one stopped at their booth and they packed it up. On Thursday this giggly mofo, seen in a video in the following link, was mocking an empty holster I was wearing. I told him it was more symbolic than their empty booth, he sat down and shut up real quick.

Our booth kept about 50 people around at all times, while theirs remained empty. Having nothing better to do, they printed slips of paper that said "Keep GUNS OFF CAMPUS!!! -College Democrats"...and started passing them out.